Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bubbie Came To Town

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Bubbie came into town on Thursday morning & stayed until Friday night. He had training to teach while here during the day however, at night he was free. 

On Thursday after he was done training people we had a good gym session where needless to say my arms was ready to fall.. He pushed me to my limits but I loved it so much!

On Friday morning I woke up early before he had to leave to go train more people & fixed him some breakfast. I made scrambled eggs, biscuits, chocolate gravy, & bacon! Hello yummy goodness... After he was done for the day we did another great workout where this time he left my poor legs killing me! It still hurts to try & sit down or go up & down stairs from how sore I am.. However, I still love that he can push me to my limits! 

After our workout ended I headed home to the house & he headed back home to Nashville... Even though it was a short visit it was nice to play catch up!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fit Time

One of my friends Sarah has been asking if she could come work out at the same time I do & do my routine with me so I said yes of course... I was truly looking forward to today!

Waking up this morning I realized I was of course still sore from tumble time a few nights ago & still had huge bruises but I know in time both will go away..  In the mean time that just means I have to suffer through both the soreness & bruising! I am just thankful its only those two & not broken bones as well...

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This was taken before got to the gym this morning & sadly we didn't even end up taken a single photo together :(

Bloggie Fail ....

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Post workout photo... 

Sarah & I had a great workout & was both exhausted afterwards even exhausted enough for me that when I got home I passed out. I needed a nap lol... Sorry that I'm not sorry!

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Next Day After Tumble Time

Well as predicted I woke up extremely sore this morning along with several huge ugly bruises. Boo! 

After I managed to get out of bed I got ready to head to the nail salon to get my nails redone since I broke 5 of them last night.. I even managed to still smile hello miracle!

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Ernie whom always does my nails at the salon got a good laugh out of the whole thing once I told him why I came in.. I am glad I was able to make his day! I must admit though at least he was sweet enough to do a good job on repairing my poor nails but then again he always does a great job.. I always love my nex gen nails :)

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After nail time was over I sucked it put on my workout clothes & went to the gym for my normal workout plus ran.. Needless to say I was even more sore afterwards but its so worth it.. I would have missed my workout otherwise because I normally go every day except once a week..

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Monday, January 19, 2015

Tumble Time

Tonight I took a not so fun tumble down my stairs here at the house. I had just changed putting on my jammies & socks when I started down the stairs. I made it to step number 2 when next thing I knew crash & burn down the stairs I tumbled..

I wish I could say I remember exactly how I went down & such but that would be a lie because I do not remember one bit of it until I landed at the very bottom & picked myself up off the floor. It went rather quickly needless to say!

Afterwards  when I picked myself up I realized a few things some of which being that luckily I didn't break anything bone wise thankfully, I was sore as all get out & knew that tomorrow I would be super duper sore, that I would in fact have several big huge ugly bruises, & that I had broke 5 nails & would need to have them redone tomorrow.

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Maybe if I had stayed in my workout outfit with my running shoes on then I would have avoided the slippery tumble time... 

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American Sniper

American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

American Sniper (Movie Tie-in Edition): The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

Above are the books of Chris Kyle's life as an American Sniper! You have the first book that was written or the second book which is the movie tie in one! I loved being able to read his autobiography... It truly broke my heart but also at the same time had me in awe of how amazing he was!

This is Chris Kyle & his wife Taya Kyle! They truly were an adorable couple..

Bradley Cooper & Sienna Miller both did an amazing job at portraying Chris Kyle & Taya Kyle..

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Yesterday daddy & I went to see this amazing movie.. I had been waiting for it to come out for what feels like forever... I truly love how the movie turned out! They did an amazing job at portraying whom both Chris & Taya were as a couple, as a family, & as individuals... 

The only part in the movie I hated was the end only because of this reason! In the book & if you know what really happened you would know that not only did Chris die but so did his friend Chad Littlefield by Eddie Routh a 25 year old Veteran at the shooting range in Erath Texas. 

In the movie you don't get to see that part you get to see him saying bye to kids & wife saying he would see them later, you then see him walk outside to a man! The next screen you see words say he was killed later that day by that man...

Thank you so much Chris for serving 4 tours overseas! I can only hope Taya & your children Colton & McKenna find peace in knowing that you loved them very much & that you now get to be their guardian angel until time for you all too meet once again in your next life... I hope that Eddie pays for both your death as well as Chad's!

For me this movie hit home as I am sure it did to several other of you whom have had loved ones fighting overseas in the past, present & someday the future I am sure.. Its not an easy thing to go through ever & its even more harder when you loose a loved one to war...

Thank you to every single man & woman whom have fought for this country! Whom have sacrificed so much to keep America safe.. I know your sacrifice was great & took a toll on you all in some way or another...

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pizza & Card Night

You would think after last night we would have had our fill of cards however I guess not because we are back at it again tonight!

Instead of a cookout tonight however we just had pizza night which was so much better! I am sure the men appreciated it more then us ladies though... That meant they didn't have to freeze out in the cold to grill again! Oh & they men had beer while us ladies had Cola & Mt Dew

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I of course got to snuggle sweet Titus once again... I truly love babies! They are just too precious..

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We played Phase 10 & Rook... It was tons of fun... Tess won at Phase 10 then when it came to Rook Tess & Aaron won as team mates while poor Thomas & I lost... Boo!

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I took a selfie, then a photo of Tess & I, then somehow managed to get one of Aaron however Thomas well that was another story all together! I don't think he was in a picture mood ha... He kept turning away from the phone... Shame on him! 

All in all it was another fun night :)

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Friday, January 16, 2015

Cookout & Card Night

Tonight Tess, Aaron, Thomas, & I decided to have a cookout & also have card night. Thomas & Aaron was the two cooking outside in the freezing cold while Tess & I stayed inside to play catch up..

After the men brought in the burgers, & hot dogs we all enjoyed our grilled food.. Afterwards us ladies cleaned up then it was time to play some cards!

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We ended up playing Rummy.. It was tons of fun & us ladies was kicking the guys asses! For the most part they took loosing pretty well if you ask me..

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During our games we ended up drinking shots of Hot Toddy Moonshine, & Buttery Nipples! On top of shots the men drank beer too... Bless them I bet come tomorrow they will have some not so pretty hangovers!

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Throughout the night I also got to have some pretty sweet cuddle time with this little guy.. Baby Titus is just so precious! All in all I think tonight was a fun filled night...

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Monday, January 12, 2015

I Could Have A Baby But She Could Not..

The story I am about to tell you is not from me but from some random person whom I actually do not even know. But what she wrote touched my heart & made me want to share what she had written.. It will truly makes you think of others feelings besides yours alone! It truly brought tears to my eyes while I read this.. So without further adue here it goes:

My husband & I met & married pretty quickly. Our first date was January 3rd & we were married by December 12th. I guess it was no surprise when we found out we were pregnant that March following our wedding; we liked to work quick!

We were making plans to attend our wonderful cousin's wedding in Northern California & decided we should make a little romantic weekend out of it & spend a few days in Wine Country as well. We were completely surprised when I woke up the day before our trip to a positive + sign on a little white stick but oh so excited!

I think I was especially excited because it is what I had dreamed of since a little girl! Meeting & marrying prince charming. Having a cute little baby with him & becoming the dearest of words: "Mommy." Our excitement overflowed & so did the planning. I am pretty sure Babies R Us saw me weekly if not more.. Multiple baby showers in the various states I had lived in were planned. A nursery was designed & set up. Name books were underlined & highlighted. It was all I could talk about & think about. I breathed baby all day.

When I was 28 weeks pregnant we visited one of those 3D Ultrasound picture studios.  With my bare belly sticking up, friends & family on Skype, thanks to state of the art technology we were able to see our little boy's chubby cheeks & tiny fist floating through his watery home in my womb. Yes I cried.. It was such a beautiful experience!

The next morning, as soon as I hit my office chair, I emailed out to all my coworkers, friends & family the ultrasound pictures of our beautiful baby boy. Immediately emails & text came rolling back in saying how cute he was & how they couldn't wait to meet him! My cup was overflowing.

But what I didn't know was there was a women I had made cry. I didn't know she had been trying for 4 years to get pregnant. I didn't know she had multiple in vitro fertilization attempts that didn't work. I didn't know she had 6 miscarriages that she had grieved through in the past few years. I didn't know  that my baby pictures I rejoiced over & emailed to her just broke her heart because I could have a baby but she could not.

Days later I was told of her sad news through a friend. I was asked, per her request, not to mention my pregnancy & baby around her nor to send out any more pictures. Even though I was her almost daily. I am ashamed to say I got angry. Here I was  in the happiest time of my life & I needed to be quiet. I needed to hold my joy. I felt cheated, cheated out of the joy of my pregnancy.

But what I didn't realize at the time was she felt the same way. She felt cheated out of the joy of being pregnant. She felt robbed of the chance to have a life growing in her womb & being called "mommy" she was heartbroken. What made it worse is the fact that I added to her grief.

Years later, I am now pregnant with baby #3. I have been blessed to have no complications or real issues with any of my pregnancies. Yet I feel overwhelmed most days to have 2 toddlers & a newborn on the way. I get frustrated when  I can't get into the shower because my daughter won't let me put her down. I get frazzled when I can't make a meal because my son is screaming every time I walk into the kitchen because he wants to do a puzzle NOW. I get emotional because I still never get to sleep through the night. Yet I know that same women whose heart I broke  would ache for these moments. She would give anything to feel this wanted or needed as a mother. She would happily embrace all the child issues I take for granted.

You see what  I've come to understand is that infertility is mostly a silent grief. Just as I had, there are women who have dreamed since they were little girls about having a baby... & then they come to the shocking truth their "happily ever after" may never come. Many people don't discuss their attempts to get pregnant or their inability to conceive. Instead they keep trying over & over, month after month, quietly  in sorrow for what they might never have.

I will never know what those who deal with infertility face. Until we reach eternity, we may never know why someone who wants such a precious gift will never be able to have it. But what I can say to my friend whose heart I broke & shattered along with the other women & couples who have bravely faced infertility for is this:

You are courageous. You are full of hope & strong. Your heart is filled with a compassion & desire I will never experience to the same extent. However, I pray I will learn from your gifts of patience & trust. I am sorry for not being sensitive to your needs. I am sorry for all the times I have whined & complained about my child's sleep issues or toddler problems instead of recognizing each & every moment as a gift from GOD. I am sorry if all my stories of motherhood & baby life have come across as painful jabs to your heartfelt desires. I am sorry for not understanding your pain & grieving with you instead of jealously wanting my joys to be more important that your sorrows. I am sorry for not holding your hand, praying with you, hugging your neck, & telling you that you don't have to be silent in your struggle. You are not alone. I will promise to learn from your brave heart to hope & trust & keep on believing in GOD even though you don't understand his ways. I promise I won;t take for granted the gift of my children as I learn from you each & every day what a blessing they are. 

That friend that I had hurt with my ultrasound photos despite my foolish heart & frustrations against her, the day she met my infant son for the first time, she swept him up in her arms, held him close, began to speak & sing soft words of endearment to him. I can tell you it was one of the most beautiful moments I had ever seen. For a women so filled with pain, to show my son so much affection, made me repent of my hurtful spirit & hope somehow my son brought  her joy.. if even for that moment!

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What's Up Doc?

Little miss grabbed a carrot & I could not help but laugh... When I first saw her holding it I must admit it reminded me of what I heard some say as a kid having to do with Bugs Bunny which was "what's up doc" & too top it off she even had that little tongue of her's poking out..

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Needless to say little tried that carrot alright thus giving her the reaction below! 

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I don't think she is such a fan of this big carrot.. I think cooked carrots are her favorite way to go hehe! What do you think?

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Baby Loving & Pamper Day

On the first Sunday of every month I always go & get a mani & pedi.. Its nice that now since I get nex gen I only have to go once a month to get them done! Wahoo..

Normally I can be there for quite some time so I always make an appointment ahead of time. Normally it helps but not on this day sadly! It was like 3 1/2 hrs later when I left the nail salon! 

At least they turned out cute! That counts for something right?

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While getting my nails done Aaron asked if I wanted to grab dinner & play catch up.. I agreed but we both still needed to go to the gym so after that we decided we would meet at Cosmos! During Cosmos he got a call from some mutual friends asking if they could come we said yes please that would be great.. So I also go to play catch up with Tess & Thomas! 

Once we had finished our meal Tess & Thomas asked if we wanted to come over & we decided sure why not.. A bonus to that was I got to hold the baby for several hours! Tess just had baby Titus only a few weeks ago so he without a doubt gave me baby fever...

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Is baby Titus not the sweetest?  He was too me :) He is still so little in all his preemie clothing!

All in all today was a good day..

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Product Review: Eshakti Custom Tunic

A few weeks ago I was sent an email by an employee at Eshakti offering me a custom piece in exchange for a review.
Just to let everyone know ahead of time this review is my own personal thoughts & opinions of the website, & my chosen piece of clothing.

Eshakti sells a variety of clothing all of which can be customized to fit your body. For example when choosing a piece of clothing I went with the Cotton Check Tunic! It was a piece that I could very easily see myself wearing with black leggings while going for boots or flats to wear with it.
Cotton Check Tunic Tops, Retro Boho Plaid Tunics , classic tunics, contrast trim tops, cotton tops, Machine Wash Tops, Mandarin collar tops, mid thigh length tops, midweight tops, piped trim tops, pocket tops, red Tops, red/cream tops, Retro Tops, split neck tops, three fourth sleeve tops, Tops, Two-tone Tops, Woven Check Tops
I ordered a size large to wear! I however, did not really customize my top. I liked the length of the sleeves as well as the length of the top in general. However, if I had of wanted it too look differently I could ordered it so! 

Customization was limited on items which I though rather odd especially with the fact that this was the angle they pushed for. While I appreciate the idea Eshakti has tried to obtain with this I feel like they could do so much more with customization. However, I do realize to some a little is better then none at all perhaps! So although I do not think customization is meant for me it may mean more to someone else wanting a little more then a mall could give you.

I wish I could tell you that I just fell in love with this tunic however, I cannot say that! I actually hated it on me if I am being completely honest! I can however, say that I loved the length of the tunic & the length of the sleeves! What I did not like was the slits on the sides of the tunic they were cut way too much! I do not mind a small slit but these were huge slits.. You can see above how long they were! Another thing I did not love was the neck part of the tunic! It was very stiff & the way it was cut around my face I was not a fan of.. I think it would have been better if they had not had a neck part going up to your chin! Lastly the one thing I hated the worst was how big the sleeves was! I could have fit 2 of my arms in them.. That is just not ok with me! They were so puffy that it felt like I had granny shoulder pads In them! I do not want to feel as though I am wearing anything a granny may have worn back In the day or even currently.

Below is their media links if you want to follow them & buy some of their items.


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