Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Next Day After Tumble Time

Well as predicted I woke up extremely sore this morning along with several huge ugly bruises. Boo! 

After I managed to get out of bed I got ready to head to the nail salon to get my nails redone since I broke 5 of them last night.. I even managed to still smile hello miracle!

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Ernie whom always does my nails at the salon got a good laugh out of the whole thing once I told him why I came in.. I am glad I was able to make his day! I must admit though at least he was sweet enough to do a good job on repairing my poor nails but then again he always does a great job.. I always love my nex gen nails :)

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After nail time was over I sucked it put on my workout clothes & went to the gym for my normal workout plus ran.. Needless to say I was even more sore afterwards but its so worth it.. I would have missed my workout otherwise because I normally go every day except once a week..

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