Friday, January 31, 2014

Sweet Letters

Mr Groundhog:
Please pretty please do not see your shadow on Sunday! I really really really wanna have warm weather back.. Sorry I'm sorry! 

Work Week Off:
Please go by slow.. I started my week off as of yesterday & for some darn reason you always seem to fly by sadly! Slow down a bit..

I cannot wait to see you Sunday! I know you are going to be something great. I love both teams so for me I guess you could say it will be a win win.. I am however so beyond ready for the yummy goodies & tons of epic commercials !

I love you to pieces! I love that I am able to read so many amazing books on you.. & what is even better is that I do not have to pay full price of a book! Scores....

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Things I Am Loving

I am loving that before I went into work on Friday I was able to spend some time with Allie on her 1ST birthday party! She has gotten so big over this past year..

I am loving that this past Sunday I was able to spend some time with aunt Joyce one of my many aunts! We enjoyed shopping, eating, & of course the movies! This has seemed to become most of our Sunday rituals..

I am loving that for once it felt pretty good on Sunday however all it done was make me miss Summer & Fall something awful.

I am loving all the meals that I have planned for this week...

 I am loving that I will again be making a trip to the movies this week..  There are so many out that I want to see something terrible!

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Din Din Time

Homemade Pizza & Cheesy Bread

Grilled Chicken with Stuffed Noodles

Steak, Butter Bread, & Baked Potato

Eggplant Parm & Sweet Potato

Out To Dinner

Out To Dinner

Out To Dinner

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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

How old was I when I started wearing make up?
Ha well if you count my first encounter ever then it would be when I was 2 years old & able to walk.. Granny Dimple left her make up out always & I was a curious 2 year old I guess you could say! I came out with red lipstick & lots of blush applied & I must admit It was not to pretty if I am being completely honest! 

After that little ordeal she finally started hiding it but it became a game too me so I always would find it & as soon as  I did she would herself apply make up to my face! So I have worn make pretty much my whole life except my first year of life..

What is my top 3 favorite beauty products?
Oh this is an easy one for me to answer. My 3 are mascara, eye shadow, & foundation!

What is 1 make up product that I do not leave home without?
I do not normally leave home without my make up & by make up I mean all of it! It stays in my purse :)

What is my daily beauty routine?
After I shower I apply:
lotion to my face
apply foundation
apply powder if needed
apply eye shadow
apply eyeliner to top & lower eye
apply mascara
apply blush
apply lip gloss
then I am all but done :)

What is my favorite hair or beauty product that I have discovered within the past year?
Oh this is an easy one! My new favorite hair spray has became So Gorgeous! When I want my hair wavy I always apply hair spray in it & this hair make it still feel so natural yet it does it job the way it should :) Hello little slice of heaven!

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Things I Am Lovin

I am loving that this past Saturday I spend all day in Nashville & did not get home until around 11 PM. It was nice to go shopping with some of my family!

I am loving that after shopping all day on Saturday my family & I went & ate at the Chop House. I love that place & so do they well minus my mother she seems to only want places that have grilled cheese bless her!

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I am loving that once we finished eating at the Chop House on Saturday we headed to the bowling alley for a little fun. Hello Strike & Spare! I even got to spend some time with bubbie which was nice..
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I am loving that little miss niece of mine has became fascinated by her toes! She seems to really know they are there & attached to her these days & she has started reaching for people now! Goodness how time is flying by all to darn fast.. Slow down my little one Auntie Ashleigh does not like the fact that you seem to be growing way too fast! Before I know it I will be at your 1ST birthday spoiling you..
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I am loving that yesterday I was able to spend some time with Gary before he left out this week for Chicago! He is moving there & it is so bittersweet for me to see him go.. When he moved to Memphis I could deal with that because that meant I only had about a 3 hour drive to go see him but now I will have to fly out to visit on a weekly basis at least twice a year.. It is going to be so different but I know he will be a great layer in Chicago! So I guess Windy City get ready for me to visit you! 

Oh & on the way to Nashville I took a picture of my hair straight for the first time in forever. It seems now days I mostly wear it curly! One of my sweet ladies said I looked like Sandra Bullock! I took that as a compliment :)
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Din Din Time

Chili & BBQ Frito's

Out To Dinner

Spaghetti Squash & Sauteed Chicken Bites


Crock Pot Ribs, Mash Potatoes, & Creamed Corn


Out To Dinner

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

Top 3 favorite foods:

First 3 things I do in the morning:
Go potty
Grab a mt dew
Check phone things

Last 3 things I do of a night:
Brush teeth
Go Potty
Set alarm on my cell

3 TV shows I never miss:
Beauty & Beast
Sleepy Hollow
Vampire Diaries
Oh my bad I kinda went past 3 & sadly I could name even more then I just did hehe! I like them what can I say?

3 places I want to Visit:
Galapagos Island

3 people I can always count on:

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Friday, January 17, 2014

Sweet Letters

Dear Work:
I am glad that you are over for a whole week! I love my weeks off I truly do..

Dear Week Off:
Please do not go by so fast! I really would like it if you slowed down however, I know that may not be possible.. Life for me seems to stay busy during my weeks off!

Dear Cold Weather:
 I really hate you just so you know! I wish that you would go away forever as a matter of fact.. Oh & the snow can go away with you also...

Dear Lee:
I am excited that tonight we are going to go rzr riding then afterwards set around a bonfire :) Hello tons of fun!

Dear Movies:
Two of you are out that I wanna see this week! Let's hope you are as good as your trailer previews look ..

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

All My So What's

So what that I have yet to go outside & make a snowman!

So what that I have yet to make snow cream! I know its really good..

So what that I have yet to still go outside & throw some snow balls around!

So what that I am not a winter or Spring baby? I will forever & always be a Summer & Fall baby only.. 

So what that I have been staying in all my fleece socks! My snowman ones are my favorite of them all :)

So what that I miss Summer something fierce! I am a water baby & I miss being in the ocean & lake.. I need another tropical island adventure :)

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dance, Smile, Get Fit It's Zumba Time

A very long time ago now it seems when I was much younger & still in college I was a cheerleader, was on 2 dance teams as well as 1 step team.. Yes I was a busy girl & on top of it all I was a nursing student! I think its safe to say that those years was the busiest years of my life thus far anyway! I am sure that when it is time for me to have children the busiest time of my life will be replaced by my babies whom will then need my full attention 24/7! 

Until that moment comes however I am content enjoying girl time with a few of my lovely ladies doing Zumba to try & replace what I miss so badly from my college years! However I must admit though that I do not think I ever want to go back to my long forgotten college years! Life as an adult now without studying is quiet good if you ask me..

Zumba is a fun filled Latin dance system which I love! You have fun & get a work out all at the same time! I mean what trumps that? Nothing if you ask me & my lovely ladies..

Rachel teaches our class & we love her! She is just like us fun & outgoing which makes it even better.. Our class normal last for an hour but if hip hop is after then you better bet it will be a two hour class :) No way am I gonna miss hip hop time!

Here is a few photos we took on Sunday right after our class ended :)

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Din Din Time

Talapia, Cheddar Rice, & Hush Puppies

Chicken Picotti & Rolls

Meatloaf, Mash Potatoes, & Creamed Corn


Hawaiian Roll Sandwiches, & chips

Out To Dinner

Out To Dinner

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bowling Adventure On New Years Day

Where to begin with our bowling adventure? Well you see Priscilla originally wanted to see Christmas Madea however I had done seen it the Sunday before! As you all know I am a movie go to lady all too much..

After the movie was no longer an option I mentioned bowling! Why not its always fun to granny bowl after all..Yes you heard right I do seem to granny bowl I am awful at the other way oops.

Tammy, Priscilla, & I met at the bowling alley then headed in together to grab our ugly clown shoes as well as find our pretty pink light balls! Let the fun begin..

Our fun began alright if you count all 3 of breaking one nail a piece.. Talk about hurting our one nail a piece sure did! I do not think we can ever leave that place without breaking a nail sadly oops..

After bowling 3 games & being not so great bowlers but fun sports about it all we decided to head to the house & take a nap! Us girls was exhausted to say the least. Who knew that bowling could wear lady's out? After our nap we was originally going to get our nails done but the nail salon was closed early due to it being New Years Day.

Since nails was not an option we decided to go grab a bite to eat instead! Hello Cracker Barrel. Our food was delicious & afterwards we called it a night.. Overall we had a fun day/night!

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Sweet Letters

Joshua Whitley
I loved that I was able to spend new years eve as well as new years day with you in Knoxville. It was tons of fun & it was a good way to begin the new year! Thanks for being such a good sport mister :)

I cannot believe that you will be turning one this year.. It makes me sad! I think it is safe to say that you my sweet niece are growing up way to fast! You have just recently found your feet & you seem to wanna grab them all the time now!
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Plate Set
I love you! I love that I picked you out.. Thanks for being so available & having enough pieces so that I could buy you to place in my home! I promise I will use you plenty :)
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I love that I got to spend time with you the other day! Girls days are so much fun.. I loved bowling, our mini nap, loosing a credit card, & so much more & I am even more excited to spend time with you & Bethany on Sunday :)

I am so excited that you are coming down Sunday from Knoxville! Priscilla & I cannot wait to do lunch & spend some time with you.. I wish we all lived closer together to one another.. Hope you have a safe drive down..

Old Man Winter
How I hate you something awful! I am just not a girl that enjoys the cold one tiny bit :( I hate it more then I could ever express into words needless to say.. I wish you would bump your head & go back to sleep & not wake up until Summer time please & thanks so much.

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Priscilla's Birthday Dinner

Last Monday we had a birthday dinner for Priscilla at Cheddar's. It was good to see old faces as well as one or two new ones! We all enjoyed ourselves & it was nice to have plenty of girl time.. Its rare that so many of us can get together at once, most days it never ends up being that many together. I guess we have life to thank for that huh? Here are a few photos from the night!

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