Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Things I Am Loving

I am loving that before I went into work on Friday I was able to spend some time with Allie on her 1ST birthday party! She has gotten so big over this past year..

I am loving that this past Sunday I was able to spend some time with aunt Joyce one of my many aunts! We enjoyed shopping, eating, & of course the movies! This has seemed to become most of our Sunday rituals..

I am loving that for once it felt pretty good on Sunday however all it done was make me miss Summer & Fall something awful.

I am loving all the meals that I have planned for this week...

 I am loving that I will again be making a trip to the movies this week..  There are so many out that I want to see something terrible!

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1 comment:

BrittanyxoLeigh said...

Seriously though, why are there so many good movies out right now! I can't decide what I want to see first!