Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dinner & Movie

I am sure that most think of dinner & movie night with their sweet spouse!
I know I normally would to however, last night I had dinner & movie night with my sweet Aunt Joyce & mother!
I absolutely needed that too to say the least!
Theses past few weeks have been stressful so it was nice to have a girl's night out. Even if it was only just for a few hours...
Our night was entertaining to say the least!
It started off by the three of us deciding to go eat at O' Charley's.
Our waiter was Victor & boy let me tell you he was something funny! We were all having such a ball & having the time of our lives laughing so hard that we were crying, choking up & so much more...
He was such a good waiter who got an $8 dollar tip :)
Afterwards we went to see Joyful Noise, & it was an amazing movie. I so want it on DVD when it comes out to buy.
Their was only about 8 of us total in the theater room so needless to say all 8 of us were all very out spoken.
We without a doubt was having a party inside our movie theater room 2!
Then our fun night ended & we was all exhausted to say the least the only thing I wish I had of done was to bring the cam to capture some of our sweet moments throughout the night... 

Anything Zebra

Ok Ladies,
I love zebra to no end!
Am I crazy? Well that could be a possibility.
But, for real Zebra stuff is cute. I guess I just love the cute design...
So I decided I would add zebra stuff on here today that I loved :)
Hope you ladies enjoy this~

Zebra pedi


I'm OBSESSED with this crib set!

i love this & want this for my sweet one :)

Baby shower cake :)

Holy shit this is SO CUTE

Topsy Turvy Hot Pink Zebra Print Cake

A zebra went to Tiffany's.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Successful Workout Plan? What do you think!!

Lets get right to the nitty gritty ladies...
As we all know Summer will be arriving shortly!
We all know what that means which is hello hot weather 
Therefore we all do the easiest thing ever to stay cool so we all jump in lakes, & pools.
I am sure some do stay inside under the air conditioner 
However I would not be one of those girls
During the summer you see me out & about on the water every free day I have pretty much :)
I am without a doubt a huge water girl & love my boat & water time during those hot scorching summer months...
I love to ride, ski, tube, knee board, ride the jet, & I even attempt wakeboarding every year however I do not seem to ever figure out how to pull it off :(

But like every other girl in this world I too am self conscious 
I weigh normal range for me
However I still feel as though I am too big & want to tone & loose weight...
I found these cute exercises per day & I wonder if they truly work?
what do you ladies think?
Here is the schedules...

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***Sunday is a day of rest for exercises I guess!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Goodies For Our Home

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Cute Tub

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Love the built in bench

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Indoor swing = love

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love the fireplace n the nooks on the side 

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love the open floor plan!

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gigantic fridge oh so lovin this

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Cute entry way!

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Such a cute layout I love all things about this

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I love the stone on the bar! Super cute..

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Open floor plan lovin it

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walk in pantry yes please :)

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Spice rack! love this...

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love his n her sink for us :)

Tag Your It

Ladies I am sure you have seen this on blogs! I know I have!  One of my sweet friends Amanda tagged me in it n well lets just say its been a minute meaning its been about 2 weeks ago bless her! I hope she still loves me hopefully the term better late then never at all will help :) Then 2 days ago Ashley tagged me in it, then today Marcy tagged me in it so I decided I should probably get with it & start doing it as well, so here it goes ladies! PS:Thank You Amanda, Ashley & Marcy...

The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them.

11 Fun Facts About Me
1. I always look in the back seat of my car before getting in it even if the doors are locked. After hearing of that  urban legend it just scares me to death! Silly maybe but still...
2. I am without a doubt a city girl however at times I do love some southern things! Am I crazy well perhaps..
3. As a small child I said I would always be a nurse & lets me honest as a child your mind always changes but mine never did & today I am a full time nurse & loving every minute of it for the most part.
4. I am addicted to clothes, jewelry, makeup, shoes you name it I more then likely love it. Can you say shopaholic?
5. I can't stand wearing my hair up 9 times out of 10 it is always down! Do you think I am crazy yet?
6. I wear flip flops year round... Yes even when it snows!
7. I am a hopeless romantic! I still love my old fashioned guys... Thank goodness I have one :)
8. I would rather be kissed on the forehead of a night time then to be kissed on the lips. I know that sounds a little crazy but I just think its so sweet & such a cute moment of bliss :)
9. I like things in my home clean, organized, & neat. do you think I am ocd?
10. when I sleep at night I sleep in a ball type way its hard to explain & I never sleep on back!
11. I cannot think of  the 11th one so I will let you all think of one for me :) hmm I wonder what you ladies caFme up with hehe...

Questions from Amanda
1. Favorite DYI project you have done- I would say my snowman wreath I did for Christmas, has been my favorite so far
2. What's your favorite app- Temple Run
3. When you log onto the internet, where is the first place you go- Facebook
4. Favorite thing about the blogging world- I like the fact that so many of my bloggers become like family to  me because I learn to know about their lives  & feel as though I am apart of it :)
5. Favorite vacation spot- tropical isles
6. Favorite thing to cook & will you share the recipe- Chicken Cordon Bleu & if you want it let me know & yes I will share it with you :)
7. When was the last time you did a good deed & when was it?-I brought my hunny home a white chocolate mocha yesterday just because I know he loves them & he was sick so I knew that it would cheer him up...
8. Best book you have read- anything by nicholas sparks
9. Favorite bible verse- I can do all things threw Christ who strengthens me
10. Last thing you purchased- mt dew
11. Favorite disney character- Ariel the mermaid

Questions from Ashley
1. Your worst fear- I have several to be honest
2. Do you have awkard talents- Um well define that in a sentence please then I will tell you!
3.  Favorite accessory- earrings
4. Dogs or cats- Dogs
5. Do you drive like a race car driver or a grandpa- race car driver
6. Dream Job- Stay at home mom
7. What do you order at chipotle- Um what is that?
8. Favorite ice cream- plain jane chocolate
9. Favorite trashy tv show-Jersey Shore
10. Vanilla or chocolate- Vanilla
11. All time favorite movie- um I cannot choose just one who you kiddin this is too hard to answer!!!

Questions from Marcy
1.  Do you have a hobby?  If so what is it and how did you get into it?- horseback ridin & I got into because as a child my family rode horses :)
2.  If you were an animal what would you be and why?-dolphin, I just love how free spirited they are
3.  What's the craziest thing you have ever done?- bungee jumped off a bridge 
4.  When was the last time you cried and why?-When Buttercup died :(
5.  What's your guilty pleasure?-Anything Chocolate
6.  Have you ever been in the hospital and if so why?- yes
7.  Do you prefer heels or flats?-Both
8.  What item of makeup could you NOT go without on a daily basis?- foundation
9.  What is your best trait?- personality
10. What do you spend most of your money on besides bills?-alot of things lol
11. Favorite TV show?- I have to many to just have 1 favorite

Ok Ladies I have done this before so I am not gonna tag people again but I hope you enjoy my answers :) love you sweet ladies!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Foods I'm Makin Soon!

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Look how good these little things look! They look amazing & I for one cannot wait to  make them :) The kids will love them heck even the hunny n I will love them... Its almost like that saying get in my tummy! I am sure that is how we will feel by the time they are cooked & have filled the house with all kinds of goody smells  that are simply to die for...

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I have made Chicken Cordon Bleu before & let me tell you it was amazing! I love it so very much however my recipe was a little harder to make then this recipe I found so I am gonna try it this way & see if it is less time consuming :) either way I am sure it will just as good as the recipe that I already own :)

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These little cute things are called Croque Monsier. They are Italian I do believe however, do not quote me on that because I could be very wrong! These little yummy things look so good that I cannot wait to make them :) I hope everyone likes them as much as I hopefully will...

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These little babies are called Cinnamon Cream Cheese Rolls & let me tell you they are great I made some the other night & they are already gone! I now wanna make more so I can enjoy them all over again :0 & the best part is how simple they are to make...

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The little ones in my life love sweet treats about as much as my household does so it makes for great time to cook these with the little ones. I know they will love these! I know they will be time consuming but I mean I do not even care because I know they will be amazing bites to eat on :) yummy!

Starbucks addicted...

I think that most of you would agree with me when I say
We all have something we love to the moon n back
Well you see I do have something I love very much & I would be a happy camper if I was able to have it every single day
Can you guess what that thing may be?
I guess my title gives it away that's right ladies Starbucks!
I wish I had one in our home I would be in heaven :)
I hate coffee however I have learned that their are drinks that have coffee in them yet you dont taste it 
To me that is win win :)
2 of my favorite drinks are White Chocolate Mocha, & Apple Spiced Latte!
I would love to try others but I need some that does not taste like coffee...
Do you ladies have any ideas as to some good ones? 
That are currently available :)
Me n the hunny go there at least 3 times a week of not 4 times a week! 
We both love it however we both are in the same vote we dont wanna taste the coffee in it...
Are we crazy hmm maybe but that's us lol!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Clothes for my closet why yes please I would love them all...

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Cozy Wear :)

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Cute Spring Wear :)

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Dressy! So Me :)

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Yes Please!

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Semi Dressy Yet Also Comfy :)

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Dusty Pink

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Comfy wear :)

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So Cute & Adorable ;)

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Pretty Pretty

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Love This

Ugh I so want every single one of these in my closet! I mean who would not? They are way to cute not to have :)

Jewelry I want! Yes please...

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Want it. Love it.

Black diamond bow ring.



This was a Christmas present this year. The yellow is so much brighter in person!

Fav bling of 2011


My birthstone and diamonds....yes please!

I so wish all these could go in my home & become part of my collection of jewelry I would without a doubt absolutely wear them :) They are so cute & adorable pieces...