Friday, January 27, 2012

Successful Workout Plan? What do you think!!

Lets get right to the nitty gritty ladies...
As we all know Summer will be arriving shortly!
We all know what that means which is hello hot weather 
Therefore we all do the easiest thing ever to stay cool so we all jump in lakes, & pools.
I am sure some do stay inside under the air conditioner 
However I would not be one of those girls
During the summer you see me out & about on the water every free day I have pretty much :)
I am without a doubt a huge water girl & love my boat & water time during those hot scorching summer months...
I love to ride, ski, tube, knee board, ride the jet, & I even attempt wakeboarding every year however I do not seem to ever figure out how to pull it off :(

But like every other girl in this world I too am self conscious 
I weigh normal range for me
However I still feel as though I am too big & want to tone & loose weight...
I found these cute exercises per day & I wonder if they truly work?
what do you ladies think?
Here is the schedules...

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***Sunday is a day of rest for exercises I guess!!!

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