Thursday, October 20, 2011

Flirting with Temptation

As always come Thursday I am linking up with sweet Kori!
I just love that girl...
Go check her out @ 
She would love it :)
I would also love to have more followers...
If you like my blog please follow me :)
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I link up for Flirting With Temptation Thursday...
I am temped by things having to do with Florida Gators this COLD Thursday nite!
It is one of my favorite sport teams as well as several others :)
Ladies here you go. 
I hope you all enjoy this as much as me....

Florida Gator earrings!

Beaded Florida Gator Wreath

Florida Gator Fans...this is for you!

Florida Gator Wreath made of xmas ornaments

University of Florida Gator Yarn Wreath

DIY University of Florida Gator wreath!

Another cute Florida Gator game day dress!

Florida Gator survival bracelet, made from military spec paracord

Florida Gator door wreath made with mesh ribbon and painted wooden letters.


Gator tailgate!

Cute Gator Tote...$30.00

Gator wrist bands

Gator Scarf!

gator wreath

Gator Dress

Gator tumbler

Gator roses...strange but cool.

Oh ladies I have so many more things having to do with Florida Gators. It would take me forever to show you sweet ladies all that I truly have found n such so I will leave it alone for now with what I posted above :) Hope you all love these things ;) n remember even if Florida Gators is not your team the colors could always be changed :) 


Crystal Seed said...

All that stuff is SOO cute! I think I like that little dress the most. Looks like it's totally your style!!

Hannah said...

Cute post, and I won't hold it against you that you are a Gator fan (I'm a Razorback fan). Your blog is super adorable--love the colors!


Anonymous said...

Those are pretty cute! I really like the gator scarf- I think if your mascot is something fun like an alligator, you gotta go all out!