Day 4 of October
Today's prompt is: My favorite photo I have posted on instagram
You want me to pick out just one photo? Do you know how many photos I have on instagram? Oh did you say no? well guess what ladies I will tell you! I have exactly 2,300 post.. Yes you read that right! I have way too dang many but gosh If I do not love every single one of them...

The photo above is only of a fish & nature I know but to me that picture means so much to me! Why is it one of my favorites you ask? Well that is an easy question to answer you ladies!
It is no secret that I am a girlie girl whom loves city life with a hint of the country life! Growing up I was a daddy's girl however it was hard to truly do things with him because I didn't really like to do the things he did surprise surprise..
One day he took me fishing & I found it exciting waiting to see what my little fish would look like! After that It became something only him & I would do together to spend time together! It was something I truly cherished..
Along the years of growing up I discovered that I love photography so the above photo represents two of my favorite things up into this point of my life which is photography & bonding time with my amazing daddy! Now will that all change someday yes but not in the way you think instead I will be able to add on more things that are my favorite thing such as children & a husband but for now I am fine with just the two until I meet the right man to marry!
I think the thing that hits home most to me the most is that once daddy is gone pictures like this will be all I have left... Those of us fishing & those photos of him & I in them together! It's what will allow me to always remember my amazing daddy, my children to always remember whom their grandfather was, & for their children to see what an amazing man he was through stories that have photos to go with it!
I love knowing that after he passes someday when GOD calls him back home that I will always have a little piece of him not only within me because he helped make me but also a piece of him that others can cherish through photos....

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