Favorite Month & Why
October is my favorite month! It is all things Halloween & Fall. I love that during this month it truly kicks Fall off. I love also that I can go to tons of haunted houses, woods, & hayrides! I would normally say this month is when I would decorate for Fall however, I cheated this year & done it in the middle of September. There was one little day where it felt like Fall outside & I just could not resist...
Favorite Holiday & Why
This is a super easy answer for me to write! Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. Since birth my mother has taken me to haunted houses, hayrides, & woods. Truth me told we cannot forget the scary movies either! Some use to ask does she not get nightmare but as shocking as this answer may be NO I did not get nightmares. I loved anything & all things scary such as that in hind sight that mother took me too however, if I am to guess why it never truly scared me I would say because I grew up going when super little so I didn't know little ones didn't go to scary things or see scary movies & such... I almost am thankful my mother took me at such a young age & I truly plan on doing the same with my children!
I could tell you so many reasons as to why this is my favorite holiday but goodness that might take a while. I think a few of course would be because during Halloween I get to be scared just a bit, carve pumpkins, & see all things haunted :)
Am I Getting The New Iphone
I wanted too yes! But sadly once I called I was none to pleased with Verizon. I was grandfathered in so I was told as long as I always kept my same number & such that I would always be able to keep my unlimited data which so many people no longer have now days! I remember telling them how pissed I was that they lied to me as I spoke to them about my new upgrade I wanted from iphone 4 something to iphone 6! They said since you were grandfathered in we will give you 6 gb instead of 2 gb like everyone else has but too me that was still not ok in my book of standards. That was not the deal I was told when I was grandfathered in what I was told was that I would always get to keep my unlimited data so therefore I let them know I was not ok with this! Anyway long story short I was so pissed off that I said to that person " No I will not upgrade with you all in a contract, I will just buy one out right if need be but please know that when I do I will buy it from another place that you pay to see your products so that your sorry asses do not get full amount on what I am spending to purchase this & I just want to be clear & say I am not happy that I was lied too & no wonder hardly anyone has Verizon any longer, I think you all should think about why we do not & 2 of those reasons are because you lied to so many people & that others have unlimited data unlike you now days!
Most Thoughtful Gift Ever Received
I would say it would have to have been one of my Valentines' When I was gifted chocolates, huge teddy bear as in a bear my size, a massage for 2 hrs, couples massage for 1 hr, flowers (Lily's to be exact), & a nice dinner to Ruth Chris! All around my main squeeze had made that day special for me along with a breakfast that he cooked. He truly did an amazing job & went beyond what he would have had to of done! I was impressed & loved him even more for all his thoughtfulness put into that day..
Something I Cannot Wait To Splurge On
I think I cannot wait to buy a huge house like my forever house hopefully that is made the exact way I want every little thing in my house to be! From ground up :)

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