Looking Back:
Looking back on my year in 2013 I can truly say I have had my fair share of both good & bad! Some battles I have won while others I have lost.. Made new friends & lost old ones!
Its all one big cycle of life that is always changing & never staying the same for very long! Memories that I will cherish for many years to come while others I might possibly want to forget & bury for many years as well..
New life has been born unto this world & those little life's have filled my heart completely! The only other day that will fill my life completely will be the day I say I do & have children of my own to cherish & love..
So as I take a look back of my life during 2013 I must say I do not mind it one bit, it has made me who I am & for that I am beyond thankful.. I cannot wait to see what they new year brings!
Its a new year
With new fear
Time to take on new chances
As well as make new adventures
A New Year:
It is now time for a new year to begin while one must end! Goodbye 2013 & Hello 2014.. New chances as well as new adventures are now about to begin! Cheers to a new year & another chance for us to get it right..
As I look forward to this new year I am excited to see what it hold in store for me as well as for family & friends! May our resolutions stay firm turning all of our dreams into a reality..
I would love to tell you all each & every new thing I would love to see happen in this new year however, we all know I cannot tell a soul otherwise those dreams cannot come true & I for one would love to see them come true & become reality..