Friday, January 11, 2013

Sweet Letters...

I am linking up with sweet Ash!

Dear Photo: I love how I edited you above.  You make me miss Spring & Summer time. Oh how I wish you would hurry up & get here. Even though I know you have been feeling pretty nice outside. For instance you have been in the low 70's today :)

Dear Mt Dew: I miss you so much but you are so bad for me sadly. I have not had you in 2 weeks & I am so proud of myself... 

Dear Dinner: I am cooking you as I write this. I am making Baked Parmesan Paprika Chicken, Cheesy Potatoes, Baked Beans & Cherry Cheesecake! You have my home smelling all kinds of yummy & I love it :) I am gonna share later the recipe for my chicken so be sure to check back at my blog ladies!

Dear Sayrah & Cheri: I love you girls to pieces. I am so ready to see you girls this weekend & have girl time. It will be tons of fun as always! Hello drinks, food, dancing & tons more :) 

Dear Work: I really do not like you. You make me wake up at 4 AM each morning Monday through Friday & sometimes Saturday too. I will be glad when my schedule goes back to normal. It might not be so bad if I was a morning person but I am not so therefore I hate you! Enough said...

Dear Midnight: I gave you a complete bath this week. Go me! You love me right! You are now clean on the inside & outside both. I am however sorry that after I washed you it rained on you :( 

Dear Letters: I have missed writing you! I am glad that I am able to have things calm down to some better degree so that I can now start writing you again :) So see you again next Friday!

1 comment:

The Tiny Button said...

I cannot wait for spring/summer!! I should stop eating so bad though, lol! I'm not fond of work either right now. Hope you have a great weekend!!!