I am linking up with sweet Ashley over @ Adventures Of Newlyweds
Dear Friday... I am beyond glad that you are here that means one less working day for me however I do not get off again until I see you next week sadly :( Please be good to me that night because I will have 4 days off to enjoy yay! & after working 10 straight days I will be more then ready to enjoy something :)
Dear New & Current Followers... I know I do not tell you all this enough but I do love each & every one of you. You all make my days brighter & better truly! I enjoy reading your blogs as much as you all read mine! I feel as though I am so close to many of you & some of you I cannot wait to meet some of you! Meeting in person is the best thing ever not gonna lie & I am beyond glad to get that choice :)
Dear Instagram... I am so addicted to you & you are the best thing ever! I especially love that I even have some of my followers on their & I love them to pieces because to me they are not just followers yet girls whom I have come to love so very much & I love that I can see their lives on a daily basis as much as they can mine so thank you instagram for being so great!
Dear Asshole Of A Dog Owner... I just want you to know that you are an awful owner! I cannot believe that you left your poor little puppy tied up to your steering wheel in a hot ass car then to make matters worse you tie a long rope to him & sit him outside on the hot ass pavement with no shade while your dump ass went into Walmart for lord knows how long with no water to drink & no shade! I am sure his poor little paws was scalding hot! & what makes me even angrier is that the puppy was the sweetest thing ever & that I gave it some water... I do not think your sorry ass deserves a dog just saying mister! I wish you had of taken the poor puppy's place I bet you would think twice next time.
Dear Weather... You are extremely scorching hot however I will take you any day over the cold! I promise! I can at least sit in the lake water or under the air conditioner If I start hating you too much lol :)
I am obsessed with instagram too!! I always think about what I'm doing during the day that would be fun to capture and share. And yay for Friday! Have a great weekend!
Hi Ashleigh, I'm stopping by from Ashley's Friday Letters post.
I also love Instagram and it makes it so much better when you have bloggy friends there too.
I love instagram too!
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