Sunday, June 21, 2015

Daddy's Day

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Daddy I love you!

It's because of you that I can call myself a strong & independent woman. From pushing me on a swing as a child to teaching me how to drive a car, you always kept my happiness & independence before everything else. Thank you for giving me wings to fly, for trusting me & my choices, for showing me the way & always giving such sound advice as well as looking out for me! As days pass along with years & we both grow older, I know deep down no matter my age I will forever & always be your baby girl & princess but with that I also know that you will forever & always be the first man I ever loved... I will forever & always thank GOD every single day for choosing you to be my earthly father! Thank you for everything you have done & still do for me. Please always remember that I love you... Happy Father's Day!

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