Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I'm Back :(

Ladies It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that I am back from Chicago! I so badly did not want to leave.. How sad right? I still have so much unpacking to do as well as catching things up here at home since I just returned today!
A little update for you all in the coming week! I so badly would love to let you know how my past two weeks have been with Gatlinberg as well as Chicago but I have promised two ladies that once I returned home from Chicago that I would do 2 seperate guest post for 2 ladies & I have to keep my promise of course!  So before I can start to update & play catch up on my blog I have to finish those guest post first! But after that I promise updates & catch ups will be coming...
I hope you ladies have had a good few weeks since I have been away! I cannot wait to also catch up on your blogs to see how things have been :)
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1 comment:

Allison said...

Gatlinburg AND Chicago? So fun! :)