Saturday, June 7, 2014

Memorial Weekend Kickoff In Destin Part 2

Sunday was known as Blessing of the Fleet! Blessings were giving to the boats out in the Harbor for safe passage as well as for catching food & such..

 We spend the majority of the day snorkeling which was tons of fun.. We may not have seen many sea shells but we seen plenty of crabs! I loved being able to watch them play & such with one anther...

With that being said while out in the water snorkeling I seen something come up beside which just happened to be the same dang height as me I  truly had began to freak out! I thought it was a shark turns out however that it was just a giant fish that I am sure could have ate me whole! Hello scary moment..

Below are a few photos I missed yesterday as well as some of the animals I took photos of while there :)

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