Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

1. Best summer memory as a kid was getting to travel with my parents! It was always so much fun & I truly loved every single minute of it...

2. Favorite summer drink is by far either Fruit Tea or Russian Tea take your pick ladies! I love both & if I am extra feisty wanting some liquor my go to then is anything Pineapple & Rum!

3. Favorite summer show is.. Wait hold up just one? No way can do! I got two which is better then one :) Pretty Little Liars & Beauty & Beast! That may change once I see what else comes on for Summer but for now you got two :)

4. Best summer outdoor activity is lounging at either the beach or the lake either by float or by land! Either is fine with me however if I am being honest hiking comes in at a close 2nd choice..

5. Summer vacation essentials are as follows below:
Beach Towel
Sun Dress
Cell Phone
Tanning Oil 
Flippie Floppies
Beach Bag

Summer Essentials


Brianne said...

Perfect summer essentials!

Kara Renee said...

Ahhh, I'm so excited for PLL to come back. Ezra's not dead. He just can't be. :(

Jackie @ A Better Me said...

I love how ABC and all the other cable channels are splitting up the seasons. I love that I get a little break from them and just when I'm like, "When is that going to be on again?" I'll look it up and it starts in a week or two.

Have a great weekend!


Kellee the Caffeinated said...

I need to catch up on PLL. Stopping by from the link up!!!

Sarah @ Back to Carolina said...

I am so excited for PLL to come back! :)