Sunday, March 16, 2014

Time With My Niece & A Little Letter To Her As Well

Ava Irene
It has only been two weeks since I seen you last but yet so much has changed even since then! You are always learning new things daily..It truly amazes me at the things in which you learn & catch on too! 

I want to keep track of all that you do & learn because those are the little moments I live for with you! For instance today when I saw you I seen you look at me & just giggle away & that was the first time you have giggled at something having to do with what I said to you! It was the cutest thing ever..

I love how you love me holding you & I love even more seeing that big huge smile that lights up your whole face! You are now 6 months old & I have no clue where time has went too! I cannot believe that in 6 months we will be celebrating your 1ST birthday..

Seeing you take in so much & learn from it as well as learn from the things in which we do in front of you makes me want to remind you that you my sweet niece can be anything you want to be when you grow up!

In the midst of trying to comprehend  how much you already understand, we are training you to be something! You have the option to be anything you want to be my sweet niece.. 

None of us whom love you can take credit for this sadly! There are many women before our time whom fought so long & very hard to shape our lives to our liking in which we have now. Once your old enough to understand & appreciate this letter then I hope you soar above the clouds with all the possibilities that you will have at your finger tips! Always remember my sweet niece that you can achieve anything you set your mind too. The only thing that can truly hold you back is yourself! 

As I tell you this I hope to do the same one day with a daughter or son of my own! 

So once you graduate high school & head off to college after we have all watched you grow up over the many years that time has allowed us to with you please remember my sweet niece that you are not only pretty capable of folding clothes, but that you are so SMART & have the potential to accomplish things you never dreamed of! 

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right"

So as you grow up even more in the months & years to come my sweet niece always remember I will be one of your biggest cheerleaders as you grow up! I will always be here for you day or night.. I cannot wait to see what life brings you and what you make out of it.

Do not ever let anyone tell you or convince that you cannot do something! When they tell you that you can't prove them wrong.. Because you my sweet niece are just like those of us in this family of yours whom are strong & can do anything we set our minds too!

Love you always,
Auntie Ashleigh

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1 comment:

Janna Renee said...

I feel like this could totally be a letter to my niece! Very relate-able and beautiful ;)