Monday, February 11, 2013

A Letter To My Former Single Self

My Sweet Single Ashleigh,

     You have inhaled so much in your little life. Discovered tons & learned what you need in relationships. Your relationships will have taught you both good & bad & with both you will discover what is important to you in a relationship as well as in a man. 

     Through the years you will have learned to need someone whom will let you be the social butterfly you are whom will not hold you back due to their insecurities. You will come to that trust is the biggest part of your foundation for a relationship/engagement/& marriage. With that you will need someone whom trust you as much as you come to trust them. You will always & forever cherish little things & little moments more then you ever will the bigger things that my sweet girl will never change & will remain the same as you change & grow older. You will want one whom is just as content staying home as they are going out because as you grow older you learn that going out is not everything & that in fact staying at home having alone time is way better most nights! 

     As far as what you learned through the years I can truly say it was of value. You learn that you are strong willed & stronger then you will ever give yourself credit for. You value your little family more then you ever thought was possible. Friendships become everything too you & those are what allows you too meet the one whom you are meant to spend the rest of your life with...

     So until it is time for you too meet your main squeeze live life to the fullest, & allow doors to be opened.  I promise you that he is well worth the wait & once you know your older self which is me you will love all that he is...

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