Saturday, June 9, 2012

Themed Engagements

I truly think I have found the cutest things ever: Themed Engagements! I have never seen themed engagements done before so this is new too me! I love how creative some can be & they make me truly strive to wanna do more & be even more creative & such! Can you ladies guess what these themes are from? I bet it might be a little hard & yet easy both :)

Theme 1
notebook movie inspired engagement photos

notebook movie inspired engagement photos

notebook movie inspired engagement photos

Theme 2
titanic theme engagement photos

titanic theme engagement photos

titanic theme engagement photos

titanic theme engagement photos

Theme 3
carnival theme engagement photos

carnival theme engagement photos

carnival theme engagement photos

carnival theme engagement photos

carnival theme engagement photos

Theme 4
alice in wonderland disney themed engagement photos

alice in wonderland disney themed engagement photos

alice in wonderland disney themed engagement photos

alice in wonderland disney themed engagement photos

Ok Ladies so I am not sure if you guessed the themes of each one or not, so I am gonna go ahead & tell you what each theme was :)
 Theme 1: The Notebook
Theme 2: Titanic
Theme 3: Carnival
Theme 4: Alice & Wonderland


andrea m. said...

love these! so creative. the only one i didnt catch was the titanic theme.

andrea brionne

Whim Wham Life said...

WOW! Some people are sooooo brilliant and full of ideas! xoxo

Ashley said...

so fun! i've never heard of this either but i'm loving #3!