Friday, December 2, 2011

Amanda & Nick's Wedding

Oh Ladies
What a day I have had 
Let me tell you it has been stressful, fun, overwhelming, teary eyed, laughter & so many emotion type day
But worth all the above
My best Friend Amanda Dawn Howard
Is now married to sweet Nicholas Coghagen
So Congratulations Nick & Amanda Coghanen
On your marriage...
I am so blessed to have been apart of yours lives for as long as I can remember growing up
But most of all I have been blessed with two amazing people in my life & I love you both dearly
I cannot wait for the day when I am welcoming a new life into your growing family.
You both have so much to look forward too!
I can only hope you have a happy healthy life together as husband & wife

The wedding was for all family with a few close friends & it was so sweet & precious
I loved the little church
I think I was just as nervous today as Amanda to be honest 
& I know when I am finally married to the love of my life she will be the exact same way with me...
She was scared half to death but you can't blame her
I am just glad it all went off without a hitch except for earlier today when nothing seemed to be going write with the marriage license.
It was lost I mean what judge looses it?
Sigh! It was awful but it was found so all went back to normal afterwards hehe....

Me & My amazing father

Amanda & her Daddy

Cake cutting time

Me & the best friend

My daddy is a 2nd daddy to her & she is a sister to me :) 

Congratulations Nick & Amanda Cohagen! Love  you both...

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