Wednesday, November 30, 2011

So What

I am linking up with sweet Shannon for So What Wednesday @ Life After I Dew

I have several things I am saying so what too! What are you ladies saying so what to?

1. I only have 4 days off for this month of December! Did I ever meantion that sometimes I hate being a nurse?

2. On my days off I already have them planned out &  all of them will be out of town things... I will happy to leave :)

3. The day after Thanksgiving we didn't put up our Christmas things...But they are now up :)

4. We have 4 trees up in our home... I love all 4 of them plus all of our decor & we leave them on throughout the whole entire night :)

5. That I am really really tired of all this cold weather already :( I mean my man can't even keep me warm enough because its so cold outside :( :( :(

6. I cannot stop playing the wii just dances

Thank you sweet ladies for checking out my post :) 
I would love to see you lovely ladies follow me @ 

1 comment:

Crystal Seed said...

That really stinks that you don't really get any time off for the holidays. But I feel ya. I only get Monday after Christmas paid, and I took Friday before Christmas off this year. But husband works in the auto industry and he gets a WHOLE week off between Christmas and New Year! SO NOT FAIR! LOL!! Have a great rest of your week!