I'M LOVING... this amazing warm weather, I mean who could not love it after all. Not too much longer and all the flowers will be in bloom :) goodbye winter hello summer thank goodness.
I'M LOVING... that I am able to be in flip flops and not having to freeze my toes off finally oh how nice it is to see some warm sun
I'M LOVING... that I am getting to wear such cute summer dresses here lately that makes me all the more ready for summer I cannot wait
I'M LOVING... that spring break is only a week away and It is going to be so nice to get away from this town for a little while yay
I'M LOVING... that tonight I get to spend time with one of my sweet baby cousins
Jealous! Our spring break isn't until April!!
I can see why you would be jealous Amanda. I am so sorry that your spring break is so far away just think of it this way better tan and stuff hehe it will be way warmer then :) does that make it a little better?
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