Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Paintings Of Me

So I found this need little app on my phone that turns photos into paintings! I fell in love with how the photos turned out.. I thought it was so neat needless to say! The two above were from Christmas Eve & Christmas Day :)

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey girlie, I have been a long time follower of your "Oh so cutsie-wootsie" blog. Well I guess you could say long time reader, current follower. I absolutely adore your poetic way with words. I also love, love, loves how we practically have the same name. I really like the way you spell yours, I'm actually really "jelly" that you have that spelling legally. I think it's absolutely amazing that you are a nurse. If you put half of the passion into your career that you do your blog I know you are the most wonderful nurse ever. Your patients and coworkers should consider themselves extremely blessed to know you. I know that I consider myself lucky just to know you through your blog, I feel like that we should be sisters! Any-who, just wanted to drop in and let you know that you are such an inspiration to me as I am sure you are many others and such. Keep doin what you do girlie and hopefully one day our paths will cross, hopefully sooner rather than later.