Friday, August 29, 2014


Ladies I know I have been one terrible blogger over the past few months! I wish I could say I felt bad for it however I am not sure I do.. Blogging too me is just not as important as it use to be I guess you could say! 

I use to enjoy writing every single day & filling you all in on my life & such! However as we all know finding time can be tricky & hard..

I think going forward I am still going to blog just not as much as before so instead of every day I will only blog when I have true things to catch you up on possibly! Those are the events most important to me! If I find myself finding time to have other post then I will do so I just am not gonna stress over it as much as before I guess you could say!

What you have missed as far as post that I am in the process of working on is:
Chicago Trip
Finding out I do not really know my best friend after all
new guy in the picture his name is Will
Sweet letter to my niece whom turned one
Ava's 1st birthday
Ozone Falls Trip

So be looking for a few post within the next few days as I try & work on them to post :) I hope you ladies are all doing well.. I truly do miss you all!

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