Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Future Hubby

Sweet ladies have you met Ryan Guzman yet? If not he will soon my my future hubby he just does not know it yet! It will be a great surprise for him right? He is such a hottie! His first movie ever to be played in was Step Up 4 & he was chosen to play the movie Step Up Revolution for his second movie ever! Before this he was & always has been a model... If he had been in others movies before I would have paid close attention to the little cutie pie. I learned all kinds of new things such as he has the same birthday month as me which by the way is September. He was born on September 21, 1987 & I was born September 10, 1988 & that brings me to say he is only a year older then me. He is 24 & I am 23 until this coming month then I turn 24 while he turns 25 :) See how much of a cutie he is.....Hello eye candy & future hubby cough cough only in dreams but a girl can wish right? I mean after all I also wanna marry Channing Tatem too! Can I have two hubby's?



Sara said...

haha you're hilarious. I nominated your cute blog for an award, so check it out on my post:

Sandi said...

I love Channing! I want him for my second hubby!

Sandi said...

I love Channing! I want him for my second hubby!