Sunday, April 10, 2016

To My Future Boyfriend/Husband

Dear Future Boyfriend/Husband,

     There is a good chance you don’t know me yet or maybe you do! If you don’t then you don’t know where I am & I certainly have no idea where you reside! Maybe you are living in Europe, Washington or not very far from me for all I know! But, that is kinda the beauty of not knowing, yet it is kinda scary too!
     Whichever, the case may be let me begin this letter by saying how excited I am for our future! I know that the things that lie ahead are going to be worth the wait! I cannot wait to grow in friendship & love together! You will be an incredible being that I will have the privilege of sharing my life with! I know that you will be my best friend!
     I hope you know how important you are to me! I am at that point in my life that I am not going to accept just any man that smiles my way! Be thoughtful to take time out of your day to tell me good morning & good night! Those small little gestures will mean the most too me!
     I will make every minute of this relationship worth it! I am loyal & I am loving! I thoroughly enjoy getting to know people & learning what makes them tick! So, I will get to know every last bit of you (whether you like it or not) I hope you appreciate my effort! I want as much of you as you are willing to give! I want to know your fears, weaknesses, loves, hates, dreams & what you live every day for! I will do my best to help you grow & in return I hope you do the same for me!
     There are some things I have to tell you about myself! I need you to understand I am an over thinker! I speculate & worry over things that many people wouldn’t give half a thought to! I have a love for paranormal books as well as romantic ones! I also may or may not go to the theater to see lots of new movies! I am that girl that wants that happily ever after!
     Understand my family & how much they mean to me! Understand that family time is one of the most important things to me & please understand that your relationship with my family is just as important to me as your relationship with me!
     I am 100 percent a romantic! Be ready for small gestures reminding you of how much I care & love you! Oh & don’t forget about the kisses & lots of bear hugs you will receive!
     I am not that girl that needs to go on vacation while staying at a 5 star resort, be picked up in a limo, or have the most expensive present on my birthday! We can easily stay in a cabin, hotel, or condo while on vacation, drive our own vehicles, & as far as birthdays goes as long as you can remember it & make that day special by spending that time with me I will be more then content! However, you might wanna get me a cake all ladies need cake on their birthday after all J PS make it a white cake from Walmart with buttercream icing please!
     I will never lie to you because, where is the strength in that? A good structured & healthy relationship is an honest one! No matter how embarrassing things may seem I will tell you everything I promise! You will know every inch of me!
     I am also a very open person! Just ask the right questions & be genuinely interested in getting to know me & I promise you that you won’t regret it. I know I could tell you so very much more but for now I think I will stop here & allow you to figure the rest out along our journey!
     I can’t wait for the moment when you decide that you can’t continue life without me! I can’t wait for all the little arguments that will come with the wedding planning years down the road. You will be taking lessons for the first dance, so don’t even start. I can’t wait to buy our first house together & fill it with joy & love! I can’t wait to tell your parents that they will be becoming grandparents, & the pitter patter of little feet that should be in bed. These are all the milestones & memories that I can’t imagine spending with anyone but you, even though I don’t know you yet!
     I think most people want to be their self in a relationship. It makes sense that you want someone to love you for you inside & out. I like many others am always worried about seeming “crazy” sometimes it feels like I am asking my partner for the world on a silver platter when in reality I am not!
     I took a deep look at what I believe to be baseline traits to want in a partner.  I boiled it down beyond good sense of humor, nice eyes, muscular body, tall or anything of a small of specific nature even though those small things do matter too! I realized there are some expectations that I should have that should not be a rarity when found. I should not fear that I will look crazy or overbearing for wanting these basic relationship standards! These are four things I want in a relationship that I should not have to ask for..
     Commitment, Respect, Consideration, & Growth! There are so many ways each of these four things play a huge vital role in our relationship together always & forever & it will be up to us too decide what each of those four things mean for us as individuals & as well as us being a couple together!
     I may or may not know you yet but I can’t wait to spend my life by your side growing & experiencing the world with you!

Love Your Future Girlfriend/Wife