Sweet Niece
Wow! I cannot believe that today you turned 1... I still remember the first time I ever saw you as if it were just yesterday. In that very moment was when I feel completely in love with you.
You my sweet girl are the light of my life! It has been such an honor to watch you grow & learn as well as blossom into the little treasure you are! You are 1.. Time has flown by this past year since you were born! They way you learn so quickly, the way you love to walk & fall down but get right back up is so enjoyable!
Your mother has always been so strong willed & you daddy is not far behind which leads me to believe that you my sweet niece will be just the same.. I already see little pieces of that within you growing!
I love to be with you always, to sing to you, to read you stories upon stories, & explore with you! I hope you always see the wonders of the world & try to see the good in most as you grow up but always know as much good as there is there is also that much evil as well sadly..
You are loved more then you will every know or fully understand my sweet angel...
Love Auntie Ashleigh

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