Ava Irene Sharpe
You my sweet niece had your first birthday party today! I still cannot believe that you are 1... Time has flown by way too fast over this past year. I love you so very much & I am truly blessed to be your auntie! Thank you sweet girl for making this year truly amazing.
While your mamma & daddy decorated for your party we had earlier today I had the best job which was getting to feed you, change you, & play with you! I think I however wore you out before your party began..
As everyone started to arrive you seemed pretty darn excited & I loved seeing that sweet smile on your face! Baby Quinn showed up & you got even more excited.. Hello baby boyfriend! You two are too cute when together around one another..
We had so many treats for everyone to enjoy & enjoy them they did.. Your mamma did a great job at picking out food choices to have! Once everyone had eaten their goodies we moved on too cake time for you!
Cake time was rather funny! You my sweet niece was being a very dainty little girl.. Normally if you could not have something you would dive all in but I think since you knew you could have you smash cake you literally just took turns with your fingers picking off the icing & placing it into your mouth not once making a mess of things! At the end however you were wearing down & ready for a nap so you were fussy which lead to you rubbing your eyes when you still had icing on your hands! That was the only reason we even had icing on your face like we did... Maybe next year you will dive all in!
Next came gifts & you seemed to love the beads & your little chair the best! Other then that I am not sure you noticed anything else.. I knew by then though that you were ready for a long over due nap! Hello fussy time just a tad..
The party came to an end & it was time to say our goodbyes to you until next time..
I am so thankful sweet niece that I was able to be apart of your big day! I love you too the moon & back forever & always..
Here are a few photos I took while not too busy with running after Ava.. There are more later that Sara is working on & I will post once she finishes them in the future :)