I am linking up with Jamie her addy is above!
I am loving that I have not had cokes since the beginning of January! Go me...
I am loving that last night I was able to go see Chris play at Crawdaddys. He is amazing & its nice to have a friend that is a great singer.
I am loving that Alicia & Chris are also friends. It was nice to see her & spend time with her as well.
I am loving that tomorrow is Valentines Day! I cannot wait for my fun night with the Mr :)
I am loving that their is a secret I might be telling you ladies soon! Fingers crossed...
I am loving this rainy day especially since its my only day off this week! It is super nice to just relax inside curled & cuddled up!
Congrats on not having coke! Its hard to give up
Tell us your secret!! And it might just be because I am old, but I had trouble reading your font!
Stopping by from What I'm Loving Wednesday!
Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
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