Sean of course is still around! Yes I would marry this man! Wouldn't you? He is cute.. Can I be on the bachelor? Only if you stayed with them after all that heartache on the show but most sadly do not :( They split up so I have to ask myself is it worth being on the show? My answer is no sadly! Guess I won't be marrying Sean no time soon!

What was once 3 is now 2 after Monday nights episode!
Sean meets Lindsey, Ashlee, & Catherine all 3 in Thailand. Each get individual alone time with him. Plus let's not forget they can also choose to say yes to the fantasy sweet or forgo it!
Lindsey gets the first date where her & Sean goes to Thailand market. There is tons of stuff here that I never in my life would ever want to see again! I mean did you see some of those things! Strange would be a good word for some of it. One thing that I never in my life would do that Sean & Lindsey did was eat bugs! Hell to the no will I ever do that... My luck I would be sick for forever after trying to eat bugs! But let me just be honest by saying that most likely just thinking about trying to eat them I would have done thrown up by that point no need having to try them lol. After the Thailand Market they go to the beach while getting to play with some little monkeys! How adorable right? I was jealous... I now wanna own a monkey! Think that is possible? Afterwards they have dinner & during that time he gives her the fantasy sweet pass! She said yes of course.. How I would kill to be inside that room with him! Wouldn't you if you liked him too?
For the second date Ash & him are in a canoe in the middle of Thailand waters! Say what yes you heard right... Crazy if you ask me! What lives in those waters? I for one never want to find out. After the canoe ride Sean takes Ash to a cave! A very tight cave at that... For some odd reason she ended up loving it & for little miss control freak she did amazing! You go girl...During dinner he gives her the fantasy sweet pass & she says yes! Again who wouldn't? I would take that hot ass body any damn day.. Just as Lindsey she too said she had fallen in love for him & for her to say those words knowing that he could not tell her the same yet meant a lot considering how much of a control freak Ash is! But I love her none the less & I truly want her to win in the end :)
For the third & final date he takes Catherine on a boat ride around the island! Which is way better then a canoe ride.. Way less scary! They play in the waters with one another when it then starts to rain. In that very moment I think it just got a whole lot of steamy... Can all the clothes come off please? But before they do let me replace Catherine! I wanna be where that girl is standing at getting all that hot steamy loving... During dinner Sean just like the previous 2 dates handed Catherine the fantasy sweet pass. She too said yes no surprise there.
Previous to the rose ceremony Sean went to look at rings! During that time is when he lets it be known that he truly knows whom he is going to send home! Once rose ceremony has begin Ash is the first to get a rose! Hell to the yes that is favorite girl... Catherine then gets the second rose which in turn leaves Lindsey rose less! She was pissed... If she could have turned like a hot sauce red she would have! She left without saying goodbyes & all.... She did not even want Sean to walk her out, open her door, nothing! Poor thing bless her heart... She held it together for the most part but once alone she really broke down :(