I am linking up with Jamie her addy is ^ :)
I am loving that there is only 16 more days as of today until Breaking Dawn Part 2. & you better bet my little booty will be there in the theater watching it :)
I am loving that in 16 days I will be Gatlinburg bound with my madre, 2 of my aunts, & one of my sweet baby cousins. It is gonna be so much fun.
I am loving that this week is almost over!
I am loving that this weekend is my weekend off, hello fun time!
I am loving that Nashville, Beauty & Beast, & Chicago Fire come on tonight... I am obsessed! I mean don't get me wrong I am obsessed with a lot of shows during the week! Its awful at how many I watch!
I am obsessed with all my Pinterest finds. I so wanna put the clothing in my closet, & snap my fingers & make the others appear where I want them to go.
I am loving that we did not get snow yay! I hate that yucky nasty stuff! This cold weather has been bad enough... Which I also hate by the way!
& most of all I am loving that today is Halloween! So HAPPY HALLOWEEN sweet ladies...
1 comment:
We have snow already! It's SO sad LOL
I can not wait for that movie either!!
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