I was so thrilled to say the least when I got this in my email. I so am having to order our tickets for it now! I could never miss opening night! I love the thrill of waiting in line in the wee hours of morning waiting to see the movie. I know what happens because of where I read the books however it always seems so much better when the book is put into actual characters & you can see what happens :) Are you ladies as excited as I am for Breaking Dawn? One down side though is that this is the last one :( Hello tons of tears....
Oh Em Gee! I got the same email but I assume you know that because you liked my picture via facebook LOL Eeeeek so so so fraggn' excited but I am like you... HELLO TEARS DUE TO IT BEING THE END! Ugh
I'm sooooooo excited for this!!!!!!!!!!
So excited!!! I can't wait!
Sounds like you will have a fun night!
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