It is hard to believe that today is the 11TH anniversary of September 11, 2001. I still remember it as though it was yesterday. I remember being pulled out of school in my English class by my parents, I remember people around me crying, I remember myself crying & trying to understand it all, I remember it being all over the tv on almost every channel. I can truly say for several years I truly never understood it all until later in life as I grew up & became older. I lost friends whom meant the world to me & my friends lost friends whom meant the world to them. It is like we all came together on this day to support each other in our grief. Little would I know that in this time I would come to love the one man whom I spend almost 5 years with whom was my soldier, my love & my life. The deployments was hard having to watch him leave was the worst. I always worried. Phone calls became hard for me because I was always scared that it would be a call I could not handle. I did not want to loose him...& even though now 11 years later we no longer are together I still love him for his bravery, for always reassuring me, for fighting for his country. I always a light a candle each year to remember those whom I have lost & I light another one for those whom I do not know that lost their lives. I am truly thankful for each soldier who served, are still serving & for those whom lost their life in the fight. I also want to thank others whom save lives each day they too play a huge part in this life. I want to thank EMS, other nurses like me, Police & the others whom I may have not have said. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Truly :) I hope others take time out of their lives today to reflect back & say a little prayer :)
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