Erich whom is one of my friends welcomed his new addition to his family yesterday!
This cutie pie was named Cash...
Lindsey bless her heart had low platelets so she was not able to receive an epidural...
She is such a strong wife & mother.
I love both her & Erich very much...
There to welcome baby Cash was friends & family & two cute little sisters awaiting the arrival of the sweet little one....
Once Cash arrived he was having breathing problems. Which possibly could have been from fluid in the lungs. An Xray would allow us to know more in detail as to what is going on. He also is very bruised & swollen from the hard pushing lins had to do during the delivery. Erich & Lins have not been able to hold him yet and as of this morning they got to see him for only a few short seconds before the ride to Vandy which is two hours away from where we are now ;(
I know they would appreciate all the prayers that you send & say! I know god will listen to them all....
I hope that Vandy is able to find out exactly what is going on with sweet baby Cash & that Lins & Erich will be able to hold their sweet baby soon as well as take him home with them :)

In my prayers <3
Saying a prayer for this sweet little baby and his amazing mother!
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