I know I am so very far behind that its not even funny
But this girlie girl has been super duper busy this month & its been completely insane & crazy
I mean my list could go on & on for a decade I do believe
I know thats bad trust me but so true
I have missed all my Wednesday & Friday happenings along with all my day to day things
I am so so sorry
All I can say is I hope it gets better after this month is over
Fingers crossed times 20
I will fill you in on a little that has went on the past 2 weeks :)
1.Mike has gotten 2 new tattoes since his last one which was only 3 weeks ago his sleeve is coming along good... & ps this gf does not like the creepy looking skeleton guy at all :(

2. Mike was in a wreck which was not his fault I was scared half to death but thankfully he was ok :) I guess thats a plus with boyfriends whom have big trucks they dont get to much damage done...

3. This has been my life pretty much all month minus one day per week :( the life of a nurse is crazy & stressful I must admit

4. I have been spending all most all my free time with my sweet amazing man :) I love hims...

5. Also lets not forgot about all the family get togethers I have now been to 2 & had one of my own @ my house can you say lets pull hair out bc that is exactly how I felt @ my home with everyone in it...
Ladies again I am so so sorry I hope you all forgive me I promise I will try & do better on my lovely blog posting....
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