I will just be honest ladies this post is full of all over the place things of my events from this week
& I will just be honest I have never in a long time felt as if I was uncontrolled until this week
Since being away for a week on vacation my life has been crazy busy hectic
I mean my list could keep going on & on crazy right!
I am ready to get things back on track & back to my normal routine schedule...
So with that said I am so so very sorry that I have neglected you sweet ladies!
I promise I am trying to back on track its just hard...
But if you hang in here with me on this post then I will catch you up on my life since back from vacation :)
Lets just start by saying I think I hate my Dr...
Yes you heard right I am by no means joking!
Before I left for vacation I went to him & told him I felt just plum awful
They drew blood with the conclusion that I had severe allergies & that I was not sick
& that was why I felt so bad so they prescribed me some meds for a week.
Well let me just tell you ladies those meds yea they didn't work not even a little
So during vacation I called & told him they had not helped so he then prescribed me something else which I had to pick up in North Carolina...
Well wanna take a guess at how well those meds worked
I'll just tell ya they didn't....
I was furious
So of course I come back from vacation & paid my little Dr a visit yet again
After I could not stop coughing, then my voice well I ended up being horse....
& they decided to redraw my blood again
& for those of you who do not know me I hate needles when it comes to me
I may be a nurse & poke people all the time but its not me so I love it...
So with that said they came back to tell me that I was sick no shock there!
I knew I was sick considering that I felt awful, was horse, & coughing like no other....
I swear I think all these damn doctors want now days is just the money money money & could care less about their patients & what happens to them!
I have been working non stop since being back from vacation
& it is taking a huge toll on me I mean dang I need some days off already I do believe...
Today is the first day I have had off all week literally I kid you not & it feels nice to just lay in bed while being sick!
Ok ladies so of course I have worked all week while being sick
but @ least its no longer contagious which is good!
I feel sorry for those who were around me when I first had it though however...
anyway with that said Yesterday I worked an 8 hr shift for nursing then afterwards I went to the EMS STATION & I rode the ambulance for 6 hrs :)
I loved loved loved getting to ride the ambulance & see how they done things differently then me!
& most of all I even loved all the hands on that I was able to do I enjoyed it so very much....
It was different then what I as a nurse am use to in a still enviroment...
My adrenaline was pumping & I was so nervous I just loved the rush of it all...
This was my very first time ever to ride in an ambulance!
I was so nervous & scared...
I was afraid I would hurt the patients
however I didn't though
I did such a great job :0
I have decided that I am now putting my last yr off for RN school & going to school for paramedic which be a total of 9 months for 2 days a week :) I cannot wait & I am so thrilled about my decision !!!!

This I my friend Jacob. He is in a band! He is one the sweetest guys ever...

When he is not working or singing in the band he is being a daddy to sweet Allie Grace...
Is she not just the cutest little thing ever....
She is such a little doll & she is def a daddy's girl!

This is the members in Jacob's band which is called BURNING YEARS!
The girl in the picture is Jacob's sister then of course Jacob then his friends....
After EMS was over last night I went & listen to them play at char which was so much fun :)
I just love listening to them sang & plus I had such good company to enjoy it with which made it 10x better :)
With all that being said
Sweet ladies that has been my crazy week
I hope next week is back on track!
I do not know if I can handle crazy out of order week again....
Hope you sweet ladies loved this post even if it was crazy random & all over the place!
1 comment:
Being a paramedic sounds likes great idea!
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