Yesterday was Matt & Tiffany's Wedding day! Matt is one of my baby cousins & it truly seems crazy to me that he now is a married man.. It made us older cousins feel even older needless to say.
The wedding took place at Willow Grove Lake underneath a huge tent where both the ceremony & reception were both held. The wedding started at 4 in the evening & ended around 8 that night.
I took my expensive camera & was going to do photos too even though Devon was there to take photos as well however, once I arrived I seen baby Elleree & of course I had to have her! I don't think I gave her up the whole night for more then like 15 minutes.. I also spend some much needed time with Emeree as well. With that being said I ended up leaving my camera in the car & not even bothering with photos unless I snapped them with my camera phone!
I am not going to sugar coat this by any means! So get ready ladies.. It was very hot outside & we were all burning up needless to say with very little reprieve!
The ceremony was very short & sweet. Less then 10 minutes to be honest! They didn't say heart felt vows to one another at all sadly which I was saddened by. If I was the one being married I would have wanted that. However, to each is their own I suppose!
As far as decorations were concerned there was very little & what there was were all fake! I didn't like how they done a sand ceremony only because they didn't buy enough sand so the glass that was meant to combine them seemed unfinished if that makes any since at all.
I was so hungry & very ready to eat after the ceremony was over however I was a little shocked by the food. It seemed very unplanned literally. As far as food they had hamburgers, hot dogs, 2 different kinds of baked beans, & coleslaw. I ended up getting a cheeseburger, hot dog & some baked beans. The hamburgers were freezer burnt & the one who cooked them tried to put a lot of seasoning on them to replace the freezer burnt taste & in the process the burgers tasted awful I couldn't even swallow it down. my hot dog was semi burned but thankfully I was able to pull the char off & it tasted ok. The baked beans I had which looked the best out of the other kind of baked beans tasted amazing thankfully. I ended up going back up to the line to get another hot dog & a lot of baked beans which I was able to eat so I left full at least. Oh & even though I didn't try the coleslaw is it weird that it had tons of cheese in it? I have never seen any coleslaw have cheese in it. Have you?

The drink situation was just pitiful. They had water, tea, & lemonade which all were in the jugs below! I was surprised they didn't have any in pretty pour containers. They also had cokes in 1 liter bottles along with beer. However, the only thing that was in ice was the beer. I'm pretty sure that was more important to them then anything else to be honest which was just plain sad. The only ice they had for everyone to use with all their drinks which were hot was less then half a container of a gallon jug! Which was done half melted by the time anyone got to the ice.
One thing which I though was very inappropriate was how they went to the store to make a beer run because they ran out but didn't bring any ice back. How rude especially since it was so hot out & all the drinks were hot except their beer... Another thing I though was pretty gross was their coolers which they kept the lid open on the insides of them were gross & had nasty things all down in them I am glad I hate beer but even If I loved it I would not have drink from those!
Before leaving I wanted a photo with both my parents however the one with mother & I was blurry sadly & I didn't realize it until it was too late! Steph also got a photo with daddy..