I have had several pictures that I have taken over the past 2 weeks! Nothing huge or anything but I just thought it would be easier to do one post over them all make it easier on not just me but you ladies as well. Hope you all enjoy these small captions for my pictures :)
That is one of my many sweet baby cousins posing in a mini session! Jessie Holloway does such an amazing job :) Such a sweet one!
The above pictures were taken at Cliff Cove :) I loved it there for the most part minus the critters & such that us girls did not like too well.
I took pictures of all these sweet little critters at the exotic aquarium. How cute they turned out. I thought I did such a good job! I normally do not take pictures of fish to be very honest but I did good :)
It was a good morning sunshine kinda day for me and as for sissy well you see that cute little teddy bear there in her arms she is kissing on, well she loved that little guy! So sweet...
Gracie the little go stylist!
Samara & Grace such cute little bumblebees!
This little miss turned 1... Sad sad day! It does not seem like she should already be this old, time has flew by way to fast :(
Just another day at work...
Bubbie was a jerk & refused to smile all dang day :( I could have beaten hims up...
Baby Josie & I! I just love her she is the sweetest little thing every! Such a precious baby cousin...
Tay Tay & I went to see the Lucky One! She is my absolutely favorite baby cousin. I remember when she was little I use to carry her everywhere because she refused to go to anyone else but I was more then ok with that. There may be a huge age difference but I am so close to her mother & Aunt because they are my age & my cousins that its only natural to love their kids hence Tay :) I even nicknamed her Tay Tay which everyone calls her that in the fam :) I just love her she is such a little blessing in my life...

Ava is one of my twin cousins. Her twin sister is named Addie & they could not be more different. Ava loves purple & is a huge cuddler as to where Addie loves pink & likes running around like crazy going full speed. She reminds of her older sister Elle They are so much alike literally. I just loved that tonight I got to spend time with all 3 of those precious little ones! I especially loved all the great cuddles & hugs... Thanks Ava for wanting to take pictures with me :) love you precious girl!